Sunday, July 30, 2006

End your salesletter with a testimonial

You could end your ad copy with a testimonial. Use one or two of your customers' testimonials that are believable and include specific results. For example, "P.S. Read this testimonial: I was able to change my oil 7 minutes faster without all the mess! I would highly recommend this product to anyone! (their name) (their title or occupation)."

Thursday, July 27, 2006

SEO on a Shoe String Budget - 10 Cheap Ways to Improve your Rankings

SEO on a Shoe String Budget - 10 Cheap Ways to Improve your Rankings
Having your site top-ranked for a hot keyword can effectively improve your traffic and therefore your profits as well. All you need to do is to optimise your content and create many links of different quality. But if you don't have any money to start off, it wont be plain easy.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How to buy and use your Silverware Chest

How to buy and use your Silverware Chest
tThe formal meal served with fine silverware is a tradition that embodies the finest civilization has to offer. It is the combination of refinement and conviviality, and luckily we live in an age wher...

Tips on the Do's and The Don'ts Of Google Adsense Marketing
Google Adsense: Google ad sense are ads that are shown on your site. They can be small text ads or images. Google gets paid by their advertisers and in turn pays you each time someone clicks on the ad. Google adsense is a great way to make money from your website traffic. It is possible to make a sizable income from these little ads but many do not realize the potential of these little gems.

Traffic Broker That Delivers
There are so many traffic brokers on the market these days that it is pretty impossible to find out which ones are fake scammers and which ones are real people that are being sent to your web site. Read my review on Quality Traffic Supply, a new traffic broker that sends it's traffic from expired domains.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Email Marketing Services-Marketing Solution Of The Future

Email Marketing Services-Marketing Solution Of The Future
Email marketing services are one of the best ways to reach potentially millions of potential customers without having to spend millions. The option to do this is being taking up by lots of companies, keeping their customers informed about new offers that are available to them.

How To Easily Choose The Right Web Hosting For Your Business?
With the proliferation of business web hosting companies available to choose from it can be a confusing process to sort through them all but if you just take it a step at a time and first identify the web hosting needs for your business it will be easier.

How To Make Sure That Your Websites Are Fully Crawlable By The Search Engines
Making sure that your websites are fully crawlable is a key component for any search strategy, especially if you want your sites to rank well for multiple related keyword phrases or different products

Sunday, July 23, 2006

End your salesletter with a guarantee

You could end your ad copy with a powerful guarantee. Give them a lifetime or triple-your-money -back guarantee. It's also good if you write your guarantee so it sounds personal and has some specific information. For example, you could say, "I personally guarantee you'll be able to end writer's block 99.9% of the time or your money back."

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Are You One Of The 90% Affected By Spyware Or Adware?

Are You One Of The 90% Affected By Spyware Or Adware?
According to CNN, over 90% of computers are infected with some type of uninvited software that may be harming your computer even as you read this sentence. Discover the top 5 tips to rid your computer of malicious software forever.

EMail Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
To market your business by email, you legally have to have the recipient's permission (the Can-Spam law). You need to do a mailing that asks people to sign up to receive your emails. They also have to give you their email addresses.

Affiliate Marketing 101
Affiliate programs are the best way for you to sell someone else's products or service and get paid for it. Selling through an affiliate program is a great way to sell on the Internet without getting knee-deep in product.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Making Video Game Sites

Making Video Game Sites
The 1 Guide on how to make a Video Game Website. Detailing all aspects such as design, content, and advertising.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

End your salesletter with a deadline

You could end your ad copy with a deadline. Tell them it's a limited time offer and they need to order by a specific date. For example, you could say, "Order before Sept. 7, 2002, and you'll get the whole package for only $19.67!" Another example, "I don't know how long I can offer the free bonuses, so order now!"

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

End your salesletter with a short review

You could end your ad copy with a short review of your whole ad. Repeat all the major benefits and features they will receive. For example, you could say, "Like mentioned earlier, you'll get the e-book "How To Increase Your Sales", you'll get the report "5 Ways To Double Your Sales Instantly" and you'll get a "FREE 30-Minute Consultation With Yours Truly!"

Monday, July 17, 2006

End your salesletter with a positive direct question

You could end your ad copy with a question that they will always say yes to. Then they will be used to saying yes when you ask them to order. For example, you could say, "You want to be able to afford the best things life has to offer, don't you?" Another example, "You want to meet the woman/ man of your dreams, don't you?"

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Making Your Money With Blogs

Making Your Money With Blogs
When you think of the term blog, does it represent money, income to you? Do you believe that you could make money with this new craze? Well let it be known that, yes, people really are gener...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Tell them what will NOT happen if they don't buy

You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they don't buy your product. Use a problem which they won't be able to solve without it. For example, you could say, "Imagine staying in debt, filing for bankruptcy and losing your credit." Another example, "See yourself 5 years from now still without the love of your life. How will you feel?"

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Algorithm Cheating

Algorithm Cheating
How do you value the content of your web page? Netizens could have infinite number of approaches to that idea. There would be data in the best book on rhetoric, to phrase and rephrase your articles, in a manner that the web browsers would find simple, humble and informative for his queries. An article thus produced, contented in a manner suiting the web, finds a few advertisements to its credit and hangs around with Google ad sense.

The Best And Worst Months For Earning Money On Adsense
Do you have the google adsense code on some of your websites? Do you wonder why some months seem to make you a lot more money than others? Are you looking into ways of increasing your adsense earnings? In this article, I write about the type of events which can have a negative affect on your ability to earn money on adsense and what type of month for example you are likely to do better in.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tell them what will happen if they buy

You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they buy your product. Use your most powerful benefit as the example. For example, you could say, "Just think, you could be writing order-pulling ads in 5 minutes!" Another example, "Picture what your friends will say if you could increase bowling score by 50 points!"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Use H1 and H2

Use headlines and sub-headlines that are aimed directly at your audience. If you're selling things to lawyers use a headline like, "Attention All Lawyers!" You could also use the products your target audience normally buy to get their attention. For example, "Warning! Don't buy another coffee cup till you read this!"

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Make Money on the Internet Using Affiliate Marketing

Make Money on the Internet Using Affiliate Marketing
Make money off your website through using affiliate marketing. It's free and generates much more money than selling traditional advertising space.

HTML Web Design For Friendly and Effective Websites
At last we are seeing a navigation away from the dynamic or 'fancy' type of website that has been inundating the Internet through virtually anyone who had the funds to pay the sometimes ridiculous fees demanded to have a website designed and created. I'm speaking mainly, of course, about Flash, that wonderful web design program that makes it possible to have a website do virtually ANYTHING - except rank in the Search Engines.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

People like FREE things

Submit the free things you offer to online freebie directories. They usually get a lot of traffic because people like to get things for free. Of course include your ad in the freebie. Sometimes freebie directories allow you to mention your business with your free listing too.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Make your visitors like you

Persuade your visitors to like you. People buy from people they like. You could tell them a joke, give them a compliment, give them a freebie, etc. For example, you could say, "I see you are one of those rare entrepreneurs who have a killer instinct for success."

Monday, July 03, 2006

How You Can Reach A Page Rank Of Four Or Five Easily

How You Can Reach A Page Rank Of Four Or Five Easily
If you want a high page rank for your website, you need to do this.

Top 5 Ways to Get Inbound Links
As any optimizer knows, seo is all about links: as many and of the best quality you can possibly get! After the Big Daddy update quantity doesn't mean as much as before, quality has taken over - in this article I'll show you what to do to get those prized links.

Secure Hosting Services Are A Necessity For Any eCommerce Website
If you're doing business on the internet and collecting any kind of information from customers, security should be one of your top concerns. Find out why security is so important and what you need to look for when choosing secure web hosting.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Remember to always add new product line

Expand your target audience by adding a new product line or packaging your main products with other ones. You could also add-on extra services. For example, if you are selling marketing e-books to businesses, you could also start selling e-book software to online publishers.